Picturing Realities: Constructed, Cropped and Reassembled

Graduates and master students ‒ Joachim Brohm class, Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig

»Encountering reality through photography inevitably means working through the image, which begins with its construction: a photo emerges from an idea, staged, sought, or found. Once captured, it creates reality, reproducing, describing, registering, and abstracting it. But an image does not only manifest in the moment of exposure. Rather, it acquires meaning for the first time through form, format and materiality.«
(Joachim Brohm, Picturing Realities: Constructed, Cropped and Reassembled, Düsseldorf, 2018)

Artists: Daniele Ansidei, Wut Chalanant, Kalinka Gieseler, Bernadette Keating, Sophia Kesting & Dana Lorenz, Abel Minnée, Daniel Poller
Editor: Ute Eggeling, Michael Beck
Text: Joachim Brohm, Wut Chalanant, Kalinka Gieseler, Denis Isaia, Bernadette Keating, Sophia Kesting, Kim Knoppers, Dana Lorenz, Maik Schlüter
Design: Dana Lorenz

German, English
88 pages, 39 illustrations

A look into the book

Associated exhibition

Picturing Realities. Constructed, Cropped and Reassembled

Picturing Realities. Constructed, Cropped and Reassembled

Dusseldorf / 2 February – 7 April 2018

Seven positions from Joachim Brohm's class at the Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig interact with contemporary photographic discourse in a specific way: in the exhibition space, thoughts, ideas, image...



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