Graduates and master students ‒ Joachim Brohm class, Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig
Photography is the most popular image medium of our times: posted, liked and quickly forgotten again. Artistic practice is its polar opposite.
Seven positions from Joachim Brohm's class at the Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig interact with contemporary photographic discourse in a specific way: in the exhibition space, thoughts, ideas, images, and objects produce collective resonances that both reflect our reality and allow it to become graspable.
Daniele Ansidei (*1979 Lugano, Switzerland), Wut Chalanant (*1986 Chiang Mai, Thailand),Kalinka Gieseler (*1982 Marburg, Germany), Bernadette Keating (*1976 Dublin, Ireland), Sophia Kesting (1983 Leipzig, Germany), Dana Lorenz (*1984 Berlin, Germany), Abel Minnée (*1988 Amsterdam, Neherlands), Daniel Poller (*1984 Rodewisch, Germany)
This exhibition is shown on the occasion of the Duesseldorf Photo Weekend 2018.
Daniele Ansidei, Wut Chalanant, Kalinka Gieseler, Bernadette Keating, Sophia Kesting & Dana Lorenz, Abel Minnée, Daniel Poller
Picturing Realities: Constructed, Cropped and Reassembled, 2018
Selected works
Picturing Realities: Constructed, Cropped and Reassembled
- Artists: Daniele Ansidei, Wut Chalanant, Kalinka Gieseler, Bernadette Keating, Sophia Kesting & Dana Lorenz, Abel Minnée, Daniel Poller
Editor: Ute Eggeling, Michael Beck
Text: Joachim Brohm, Wut Chalanant, Kalinka Gieseler, Denis Isaia, Bernadette Keating, Sophia Kesting, Kim Knoppers, Dana Lorenz, Maik Schlüter
Design: Dana Lorenz - German, English
88 pages, 39 illustrations - Beck & Eggeling Kunstverlag, 2018
ISBN 978-3-94606314-8 - 15 €